Experts in the aviation sector have said that effective communication between flight and cabin crew ensures air safety as cabin crew deal directly with the passengers on board, experts observed.
This was disclosed yesterday during the Cabin Safety workshop at the NIgerian Civil Aviation Authority, (NCAA) Annex Training Hall in Lagos.
Speaking at the event, Gerald Moka, Chief Pilot, Aero Contractors said that in a bid to ensure safety, efficiency and productivity of flights, communication and feedback is needed between the cockpit and cabin crew despite their different roles.
“Barriers to effective communication on board are physical, environmental, pysco-social and organisational. It is therefore important that regulations be implemented to foster relationship between technical staff and cabin crew members,” Moka added.
Moka stressed on the need to consistently train both pilots and cabin crew on safety issues so that when incidents occur, they can work together to manage such issues.
Muhtar Usman, Director General NCAA who was represented by Abdullahi Sidi, Director of Operations, said that the Cabin Safety Inspectorate is always proactive and have decided to engage cockpit-cabin in the workshop this year.
Usman said the discussion would trigger healthier, professional and beneficial aviation relationships for effective flight safety.
“All spheres of human endeavour require relationships and good relationship make us healthy and strong. The crew members and cockpit are a team and no one is inferior to the other,” he added.
Some of the crew members present said that most of them are often looked down on by the pilots and that bridges the relationship which is supposed to be a cordial one.
Ordor Maria, Assistant General Manager Cabib Crew, NCAA explained that the workshop enables cabin crew members to update on regulations, standard and recommended practices; create an ambiance for the regulators and regulated to meet and foster interactions.