Home Aviation Delta Air Lines reportedly offers passengers $10,000 each to get off ‘oversold’ flight

Delta Air Lines reportedly offers passengers $10,000 each to get off ‘oversold’ flight

by Aviation Media
Delta Air Line flight

Delta Air Line flight

Passengers on a Delta Air Lines flight from Michigan to Minnesota reported that the airline offered them $10,000 this week to give up their seat on an oversold flight.

Yes, $10K.

The airline offered the money to each passenger who volunteered to be bumped from a domestic flight out of Grand Rapids Monday morning, according to media outlets.

Delta did not immediately return a request for comment from USA TODAY.

Jason Aten, a tech columnist at Inc. magazine, wrote he was sitting on the outbound plane for waiting for the aircraft to leave the gate when a flight attendant got on the intercom. The crew was looking for eight volunteers to give up their seats on the “apparently oversold” flight, offering them $10,000 each.

“If you have Apple Pay, you’ll even have the money right now,” the flight attendant said, Aten wrote.

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Aten told Fortune his group of eight – whose final destination was Alaska – didn’t raise their hands because they didn’t immediately know how many volunteers were needed.

“Had we known it was eight, we would have gotten off,” he told the media outlet. “By the time that was clear, four or five people had already left.”

“Spoiler alert: We did not take it for reasons I’m not going to get into because my wife is still not pleased about it,” Aten wrote.


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