Home Aviation Home About Us News Airlines Features Interviews Politics Pictures and Videos Events Contact Us Dana Air: AON condemns attack on airline’s property, threatens to blacklist erring passengers

Home About Us News Airlines Features Interviews Politics Pictures and Videos Events Contact Us Dana Air: AON condemns attack on airline’s property, threatens to blacklist erring passengers

by Aviation Media
Aviation stakeholders
Aviation stakeholders

Aviation stakeholders

The Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON) has condemned in very strong terms, the attack on the property of Dana Air by passengers whose scheduled flights were affected by the grounding of the airline for operational audit.

Recall that Dana Air passengers had on July 21, 2022, physically descended on, and damaged, the company’s property at the domestic wing of Murtala Muhammed Airport in Lagos, over the unexpected and unintended cancellation of their flight in what is now a force majure.

Dana Air is currently undergoing an operational audit as ordered by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA).

”We understand that Dana Air, as a responsible member of this association, had activated its feedback mechanism to inform passengers of the development and the cancellation of their flight.

“However, it is uncivilised for passengers to take laws into their hands by destroying Dana Air property wen there are approved mechanisms for redress.

“As an association, AON will no longer watch passengers destroy property of its affiliate members without adequate response. Henceforth, AON shall activate all available legal avenues to ensure that passengers caught destroying property of her members are brought t

o book and made to pay for such destructions.

”Once again, AON reminds consumers of the services of her members that no law permits the destruction of company property, and, or, physical assault on Airline staff, as redress. We make bold to say that such actions will be pursued from both criminal and civil law perspectives and may also include blacklisting and travel ban on member airlines. We encourage aggrieved passengers to explore NCAA approved avenues for redress, including options at Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Council (FCCPC), as the airline staff that are assaulted, and property that is damaged, cannot make up for whatever is the unintended consequence(s) of flight cancellations or delays. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.”, a statement signed by Prof. Obiora Okonkwo, the association spokesman, warned.

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