
ICAO Re-elects Aliu as Council President

Dr Aliu
Dr Aliu

The member states of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) have re-elected the Nigerian, Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu for another three-year term as President of the Council.

The first tenure of Dr. Aliu commenced on 1 January 2014 and will continue until 31 December 2016. Prior to his election, Dr. Aliu served as the Representative of Nigeria on the Council from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2013.

In his acceptance remark, Dr Aliu  said, “Over the past three years, ICAO has been working tirelessly to promote the importance of civil aviation to socio-economic development, as well as its prioritization in national and regional investment and development planning,”

“We have also made great strides in securing the assistance and capacity building our Member States need most, under the ICAO No Country Left Behind initiative, and will now look forward to its next iteration which will be more focused on aviation infrastructure development.”

Nigeria’s Minister of State Aviation, Sen Hadi Sirika who witnessed the election thanked the Council for its support in the re-election of Dr. Aliu for another term.

“I am indeed humbled and honoured to be with you in this hallow chamber and to witness the election of Dr. Olumuyiwa Bernard Aliu. A Nigerian, an African and world aviator as president of ICAO Council for a second term in office. On behalf of my delegation, the government and good people of Nigeria as well as entire people of Africa. I wish to thank you very much indeed for your support and the election of Dr. O.B. Aliu. “

Appreciating the significance of trust bestowed on Dr. Aliu, Sirika said, “For the world after 9/11 to trust and put confidence in one of us to oversee the world of aviation is extremely very significant. And for us without a doubt we want to assure you that this your action of today will be recognised in the future actions of Dr.  Bernard Aliu and you will certainly not be disappointed.”

Dr. Aliu said, “ the ICAO Council has played a key leadership role in this process, and its guidance will now be needed more than ever to assure the fast-tracked development of the new ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) endorsed at the 39th Assembly, to make ICAO’s audit processes more efficient and effective, to ensure ICAO fully optimizes its extensive audit and other data, to refine all of our programmes and priorities, and importantly to help ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) become fully operational by 2020.”

“Going forward, the ongoing pursuit of the objectives and targets under ICAO’s Global Plans for Safety and Air Navigation, the GASP and the GANP, should be complemented with added guidance to States on the operational, regulatory, training and capacity building requirements in support of the ICAO Aviation system Block Upgrades (ASBUs), both nationally and regionally,” he added

According to Sirika, “The last three years was quite challenging for our industry globally. Despite the significant progress that has been recorded, the issue of Flight MH370 still remain a mystery, the threat of Ebola and Zika  virus   outbreaks, the increase in terrorist attacks at our airports and the need to take meaningful action on the issue of environment were major challenges that confronted the  global air transport industry.  The prompt way and decisive manner which the council led the organisation to manage these solutions and addresses these challenges indeed greatly built the confidence of member states and the industry in the leadership of ICAO.”

“Apart from addressing these challenges, the Council came up with number of unprecedented initiatives which have enhanced safety, security efficiency and air connectivity.  one of such initiatives is the ‘No Country Left Behind’ which has increased effective implementation of ICAO Standard and Recommended Practices and has helped many states to overcome their significant safety concerns. The Council and indeed the entire organisation were able to accomplish these momentous milestone achievement, not only because of the style and leadership qualities of Dr. Aliu but also due to your cooperation, support and collaboration.”

“I therefore wish to use this medium and opportunity to solicit for this continued support and collaboration as the entire world especially 191 member states of ICAO have great expectations not only from Dr. Aliu  as President of the Council but from the Council as a body collectively.

“Nigeria and the entire continent of Africa believe that in order to consolidate on the achievement of last three years and as well as position member states and the industry to cope with projected traffic growth and emerging issues, the Council must continue to operate as one indivisible body. This is the only way that ICAO can continue to provide required leadership to promote safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-friendly civil aviation globally and ensure that all member states partake in the socio-economic benefits of air transportation.”-Sirika added.


Aviation Media

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Aviation Media Africa is a media platform that publishes the latest news and insights in aviation, maritime, and transport across Africa.

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