
NCAA Sanctions Aero over Use of Ladder to Disembark Passengers

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has imposed an applicable sanction on Aero Contractors Airlines in line with Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig.CARs).

This is in response to the airline’s breach of safety regulation when it used ladder to disembark passengers at the Bauchi airport o Saturday.

In a letter conveying the sanction, the Director General of the Regulatory Authority, Capt. Muhtar Usman, said the action of Aero Contractors Airline in allowing the use of a ladder to disembark passengers from a Boeing 737 – 500 aircraft in a non-emergency situation is contrary to its approved aircraft handling manual.

Therefore this is a violation of Part of Nig.CARs  which part attracts a civil penalty.

“All relevant agencies made useful submissions during the course of the investigation,” NCAA said in a statement.

The Director General also said in the letter that ‘’in view of the safety implications of your action you are hereby sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of Part 20.2.3(15) of the Nig.CARs.’’

NCAA noted that although the incident did not result in any mishap, the aircraft was airworthy and the crew well qualified to operate the flight. 

“However, it is viewed as a breach and resultantly a fine running into millions of naira have been clamped on the airline to serve as deterrence and to forestall any similar infraction by any other airline operator,” the Director General said.

In addition, the Captain of the flight was similarly fined for failing to comply with the provisions contained in the aircraft manual.

“The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) therefore wishes to reiterate its earlier warning that all airlines should endeavour to adhere strictly to Civil Aviation Regulations”, NCAA also said.

Aviation Media

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