Home Aviation SAHCO Celebrates Clients at Appreciation Dinner

SAHCO Celebrates Clients at Appreciation Dinner

by Aviation Media
L-R: Executive Director, Cargo Services and Operations,Skyway Aviation Handling Company PLC ( SAHCO),Mrs Boma Ukwunna; Managing Director/CEO, SAHCO, Mr Basil Agboarumi; Non- Executive Director, SAHCO,Dr Oluropo Owolabi ; Vice Chairman SAHCO, Barrister Chike Ogeah; Non-Executive Director, SAHCO, Barrister Kayode Filani;Executive Director, Sales and Marketing, SAHCO,Mr Olaniyi Adigun as the new corporate logo is unveiled at the Clients Appreciation Dinner.
L-R: Executive Director, Cargo Services and Operations,Skyway Aviation Handling Company PLC ( SAHCO),Mrs Boma Ukwunna; Managing Director/CEO, SAHCO, Mr Basil Agboarumi; Non- Executive Director, SAHCO,Dr Oluropo Owolabi ; Vice Chairman SAHCO, Barrister Chike Ogeah; Non-Executive Director, SAHCO, Barrister Kayode Filani;Executive Director, Sales and Marketing, SAHCO,Mr Olaniyi Adigun as the new corporate logo is unveiled at the Clients Appreciation Dinner.

L-R: Executive Director, Cargo Services and Operations,Skyway Aviation Handling Company PLC ( SAHCO),Mrs Boma Ukwunna; Managing Director/CEO, SAHCO, Mr Basil Agboarumi; Non- Executive Director, SAHCO,Dr Oluropo Owolabi ; Vice Chairman SAHCO, Barrister Chike Ogeah; Non-Executive Director, SAHCO, Barrister Kayode Filani;Executive Director, Sales and Marketing, SAHCO,Mr Olaniyi Adigun as the new corporate logo is unveiled at the Clients Appreciation Dinner.

The Skyway Aviation Handling Company (SAHCO) Plc has been commended for its consistency in delivering quality services and ensuring professionalism in the discharge of its duties.
Speaking at the Clients Appreciation Dinner organised in Lagos for its customers, various participants from airlines and cargo sub-sector, lauded the ground handling company for improving aviation ground handling business in Nigeria and assured the management of their utmost loyalty to the company.
Mr. Murat Ozcan, Vice President, Ground Operations, Arik Air, in his feedback comment, said that without SAHCO, the airline would have been in a bad state.
He explained that the relationship between the airline and the ground handling company was beyond business partnership, stressing that SAHCO stood firmly behind it during its challenging period.
He also lauded the management for taking the audacious step to be enlisted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), describing it as a milestone for the company.
He said: “We have been with SAHCO for five years and we have been everywhere in the country with the company. The dedication, passion and commitment to the job from bottom to the top in SAHCO is wonderful.
“I am proud to say Arik Air and SAHCO are no strangers to each other. I am happy SAHCO has taken Initial PUBLIC Offer (IPO), which is a good milestone for any company. I wish to buy some of its shares.”
Also commenting, Mr. Getmet Hiwat, Country Cargo Manager, Ethiopian Airlines, described the company as a wonderful company worthy of emulation.
Hiwat explained that the ground handling company was the best in all the countries it operates into and urged it to continue in that tradition.
Besides, Mr. Percival Uwechie, Airport Manager, Etihad Airways stressed that the airline had been with SAHCO since operating into Nigeria.
He said that since the company started handling its services in the country, Etihad has not had any challenges with the company and charged the management to continue in that stead.
“I want to congratulate the management for continually discharging quality services to its clients. It has been a honor working with SAHCO and even if we had any other choice, we won’t do it differently.
“The company is distinct from the others in the industry. SAHCO has set a very high bar for itself, which would be difficult to meet by any competitor and I can tell you, they can’t afford to go below the current standard.”
Mr. Chris Paul of Ajulo Cargo said that with the distinction created for itself by the company, SAHCO’s shares would be a sold out.
He assured that his company would buy some shares of SAHCO currently in circulation.
Besides, Mr. Kingsly Nwokoma, the Managing Director of Cargolux, lauded the company for its futuristic approach by expanding its warehouses even when there was no need for that.
He also observed that SAHCO had an excellent team, which had been working harmoniously with the clients over the years and urged the management to sustain the current approach.
Earlier, Mr. Basil Agboarumi, the Managing Director/CEO, SAHCO in his welcome address said that the company was determined to deliver world class services to its clients.
He said that its forward looking attitude had made the company to evolve from the Skyway Aviation Handling Company Limited (SAHCOL) to a Public Liability Company (SAHCO).
He commended former Managing Directors like Dr. Oluropo Owolabi and Barrr. Chike Ogeah for piloting the affairs of SAHCO at various times and ensuring steadfastness in the company.
He insisted that of all the companies privatised in the sector by the Federal Government, SAHCO had stood out and lauded Dr. Taiwo Aolabi, the Chairman of the company for investing massively in the company, which he said had ensured its growth over the years unlike some investors.
He also urged its clients to invest in the company by buying its ongoing shares in the market.
He said: “Why do you need to buy SAHCO’s shares? You need to buy our shares because since 2009 till date, most of the airlines operating into the country want to do business with us. Our warehouses are the best not just in Nigeria, West Africa, but on the continent.
“The shares we are selling will serve as a form of robust to the company. We have been very consistent with service delivery and performance. The only assurance we can give you is that we will continue to discharge our jobs professionally and work assiduously to improve on the existing performance.
“I also want to charge my colleagues in SAHCO to continue to display professionalism, consistent and socially responsible. I also want to thank the board of directors for supporting the management and I want to assure them that we will continue to pilot the affairs of the company to greater heights.”
In his presentation, Mr. Olaniyi Adigun, Executive Director, Sales and Marketing, recalled that the company, which was privatised on December 9, 2009 with just six clients had grown to improve to 24 within nine years.
He noted that several new carriers, especially foreign ones were willing to do business with it, stressing that SAHCO remained the only cargo ground handling company in the country today and determined the space and price of the market.
He also said that the company was hoping to diversify its operations in the future, saying that this would lead to improving in the rate of the company.
He said: “We achieved the current growth because of excellent services we render to our clients; we have good relationship, good business models and strategies in place. With your support (clients), we shall attain bigger growth.
“We will continue to count on you for feedback, which will make us to know the areas we are lagging behind and adjust.”
At the event the new Corporate logo was unveiled by the Vice Chairman of SAHCO, Barrister Chike Ogeah. OGEAH who represented the Chairman of SAHCO, Dr Taiwo Afolabi ( MON) in his speech expressed his pride at what the company represents which is safety,speed and efficiency.
Skyway Aviation Handling Company PLC is an aviation ground handling company that offers services like passenger handling services, ramp handling services, cargo warehousing, crew administration, VIP lounge services and other related aviation ground handling services in a safe, efficient and speedy manner.

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