IATA Aviation

IATA Safety Performance Shows Reduction in Global Air Accidents

The international Air Transport Association on Tuesday released its 2022 airline safety performance, which indicates significant reduction in air accidents globally. The 2022 safety report for global aviation showed a reduction in the number of fatal accidents and the fatality risk, compared to 2021 and to the five year average (2018-2022). The global body said […]

Group CEO Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam (middle) while receiving the Award Aviation

Aviation Experts Express Divergent Views on Adoption, Success of Single Sky for Africa

Aviation experts have expressed divergent views on the adoption and success of single sky for Africa, warning that Nigeria will be left behind if it does not take advantage of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM). Their position is in tandem with the Nigerian airlines that have expressed lukewarm attitude towards the open sky […]