Usman: We Have Intensified Surveillance on Nigeria Airlines

The Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Captain Muhtar Usman, said in this interview that the Authority has intensified surveillance of Nigerian airlines. Excerpts: There have been reports that NCAA diverts money meant for training for the building of your new headquarters in Abuja. Is this true? That is not true. First of […]

Lloyd Threatens to Downgrade, Black List Nigerian Airlines

Lloyd’s of London, the world’s leading insurance market, has issued a warning to Nigerian airline operators that it might be forced to blacklist the country in the face of continued failure of some operators to fulfill their obligations of paying their premiums to the insurer regularly. Nigerian airlines have been finding it increasingly difficult to […]

Airlines Raise the Alarm over Persistent Aviation Fuel Scarcity

Domestic airline operators have called on the federal government and concerned authorities to take urgent measures to ensure availability of aviation fuel, otherwise known as Jet A1. They warned that if no urgent action was taken to supply the product, they may be forced to suspend their services. Some of the operators who spoke to […]