Accurate Weather Prediction has Improved Air Safety

The outgoing director general of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET), Dr. Anthony Anuforom said bad weather may have contributed to the many air crashes that happened in Nigeria, but since 10 years ago when the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) improved its activities with the support of government, no accident has been attributed to weather. Speaking […]

NIMET, British America Tobacco Partner on Weather to Enhance Farmers’ Yield

The Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and the British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF) at the weekend signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a collaborative relationship to provide weather information to farmers under the foundation.   According to the Executive Director of BATNF, Mrs. Oluaseyi Ashade, the objective of the partnership is for NIMET to […]

NIMET Denies any Friction over Staff Promotions

The management of the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has dismissed reports indicating any friction brewing in the agency over promotion of staff. There was report that the newly appointed Director-General of NIMET, Professor Sani Abubakar Mashi had frowned against the planned promotion, an action that allegedly irked the workers and has given rise to hostility […]

Tackling the Harmattan Haze

Operators in the aviation industry believe that with  the right equipment, aircraft can fly under zero visibility. The Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON) said last week that harsh operational environment, which include lack of airfield lighting in most airports, deficient and obsolete airport facilities, poor and obsolete navigational aids force airlines to cancel about 50 per […]

Impact of Weather Conditions on Air Safety

Dry dust and haze usually welcome the dry season in Nigeria with its attendant adverse effect on flights. The writer x-rays weather conditions in the country and how they affect air transportation safety. According to Livescience, the disappearance of an Air France jet that hit a patch of thunderstorms and lightning over the Atlantic Ocean in […]